Mumbai: Actress Alia Bhatt, an investor in a fashion-tech startup, says style is important.

Alia has announced the launch of ‘The StyleCracker Box Club’, which makes the concept of personal styling accessible to all via a membership programme. Through this, a personalized box of fashion, curated every 6 weeks by a celebrity stylist, will reach customers.

Every box will include around four products per box, depending on the mix selected including apparel, bag, footwear and accessories.ALSO READ

Alia said in a statement: “I think that’s really cool because basically you’re just making sure you’re stamping that all year round you’re going to be super stylish and you don’t have to thin k about it. You have a box coming every six weeks.

“You will always be stylish and in life it is important to have style.”

On the film front, the actress will next be seen in “Gully Boy”.

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