Bibhitaki is a large deciduous tree found across India especially in lower hilly areas. It is also known by the botanical name “Terminalia Bellirica” in the world. In Sanskrit, Bibhitaki is known as “Vibheetaki” in which ‘bheeta’ means fear and ‘Vibheeta’ means lack of fear.

The whole word “Vibheetaki” means the fruit that takes away the fear of disease. In different languages of India, it is known by different names like “Tanikaya, Taadi” in Telugu, “Todikai” in Tamil, “Baida” in Bengali, “Baheda” in Guajarati and Malayalam, “Bahera” in hindi and “Tare Kayi” in Kannada.

Health Benefits Of Haritaki

Bibhitaki, the wonder medicine has several health benefits, some of them are mentioned below:

1. Prevents Hair Loss And Removes Dandruff

Bibhitaki is a very useful remedy for hair fall in the form of Bibhitaki herbal oil. It also prevents Dandruff and Lice infection. Regular use of Bibhitaki oil is good for your Hair.

You can buy it online or make at your home. To make Bibhitaki oil, heat a cup of coconut oil in a pan and add three bibhitaki pods(fruit).

Once it has turned brown and the outer shell cracks, take it out of flame and let it cool.When it cools down, store it in a bottle and use according to your need.

2. Helpful In Constipation

Bibhitaki is a natural laxative and contains dietary fibers which are digestive agents fights with constipation. Bibhitaki is a natural remedy for Constipation Patients.

Constipation Patients take it in the form of Bibhitaki Powder with water as a drug dosage to fight with constipation.You can buy it online or make it at home.

To make Bibhitaki Powder at home, take its fruit, remove the seed from it and sundry the peel of the fruit. Take the peel and churn it in the grinder to make a powder store the powder in the bottle and use it with water whenever needed.

3. Removes Acne And Ulcers

Bibhitaki has antibacterial properties making it very effective for treating acne and ulcers. Take bibhitaki powder and boiled water, make a paste and apply it on acne and ulcer spotted skin. It heals acne very quickly and prevents scars from forming.

4. Fights With Skin Allergies

Bibhitaki is very useful in fighting with skin allergies. It treats skin allergies in the ears and nose caused by earrings and nose ring. Ornaments made of Gold and Silver don’t cause any skin allergy but artificial jewelry made of metal cause allergies and skin rashes.

Bibhitaki Paste is the best remedy for this problem. To make a  paste, take bibhitaki fruit and rub it on sandalwood stone with little-boiled water. After rubbing it against sandalwood, you found light green color paste, take this paste and apply on the infected skin.

5. Prevents Cough And Cold

It is a very useful remedy for avoiding cough and cold naturally. The dosage of Bibhitaki powder mixed with honey will treat a cough and cold effectively. It also cures gingivitis and sore throat.

6. Boosts Immunity

Bibhitaki acts as an immunity booster and increases longevity if it’s powder is taken regularly fried in ghee.