Benefits of Brahmi (both herbs)

“Brahmi” has been used to describe two distinct Ayurvedic herbs—Centella asiatica and Bacopa monnieri—and brahmi is a fitting name for both of them. Brahmi is a Sanskrit word that refers to the feminine essence of universal consciousness as well as the creative potential that emerges from pure awareness. Both of the herbs that bear the name brahmi are thought to promote subtle awareness and sattva (the pure essence of consciousness).

  • Open and clarify the mind*
  • Strengthen memory and intellect*
  • Support focus and concentration*
  • Encourage a balanced emotional state*
  • Promote daytime energy and nighttime sleep*
  • Support healthy blood cells*
  • Promote healthy skin and hair*

Both gotu kola and bacopa pacify vata, pitta, and kapha. In excess, either one may increase vata.1, 3 Both herbs have a strong affinity for the lymph, blood, nervous tissue, and urinary tract, as well as the circulatory, digestive, and nervous systems. In addition, gotu kola works on the muscle, adipose, and bone tissues whereas bacopa resonates with all of the tissues in the body as well as the channels of elimination.1 And while some describe bacopa as cooling,1 others insist that it is in fact, heating—though still calming to pitta.2 Relative to gotu kola, let’s just say that bacopa is less cooling and may therefore be preferred in certain types of vata and kapha imbalances. Gotu kola will generally be the better choice where there are strong indications of pitta imbalance. This is, of course, a subtle distinction because both herbs are considered to be tridoshic (balancing to vata, pitta, and kapha) and for specific conditions one may be preferred over the other. Bacopa is likely more suited for overall strengthening, and energy promotion. Gotu kola is purifying and rejuvenating—especially for pitta. Both are said to support longevity.3, 2Gotu kola is an appetizer while bacopa suppresses the appetite; bacopa is therefore often taken with digestives such as ginger or cardamom.1, 3 In addition to the benefits described below, both herbs known as brahmi are very supportive of the joints—clearing toxins while promoting comfort and freedom of movement.1

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