Pregnant mothers​ will now be vaccinated to save the fetus from the deadly diseases. About 30 newborn babies die every year due to this disease virus.

This vaccine applied to the mother makes an immune system for the foetus.

The study conducted in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Southhampton Children’s Hospital in Britain has said that vaccine saves babies from a virus called Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This vaccination is still being tested by their team. This infection makes one out of six newborns its victim every year. By almost two years of age, this infection can be seen in almost all the children. Most children fight with this disease, but there are also those who can not survive because the virus reaches their lungs.

Due to this infection, children get bronchitis, and pneumonia. The RSV infection spreads through contact with each other and it makes people of every age its victim. But children, young or those suffering from a long-time may feel troubled​ breathing. Researchers believe that giving their revolutionary vaccine to pregnant women enable the child’s immune system to fight RSV infection since birth.