The natural growth of facial hair depends entirely on your genetics. The development of beards depends, like other ‘manly’ qualities, on the secretion of testosterone which naturally occurs at different ages for different individuals. Beards naturally emerge between the ages 15-18, at which point they are more often than not, patchy or extremely thin. Full, ‘adult’ beards usually doesn’t appear until the 20s. A full-grown beard is extremely rare―some would even go so far as to say abnormal―for a 15 year old.
There are some topical (applied on the surface) medications which can promote facial hair growth. Minoxidil is a well-known hair growth promoter. However, the effects of minoxidil can spread beyond the area where it is applied and lead to unwanted hair elsewhere on the body. It also leads to redness and burning sensation in the applied area.
Hair is made from keratin which is synthesized from proteins. A protein-rich diet can help facial hair grow early, fast, and strong. Even if you don’t get the desired beard, a protein-rich diet is one of the healthiest modes of diet and will help build muscle mass.
There is no foolproof solution to growing a beard at such a young age. Your beard depends on your own natural bodily condition and genetics. If you are meant to grow the beard, you will. If you’re not meant to grow one at such a young age, you won’t. And for god’s sake, don’t compare yourself to the few kids who do get a beard at such an early age. Take it from someone who started shaving at 16―in the long run, the itching really isn’t worth it!

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