Like many countries in the Middle East, there are many restrictions on women in Iran too. But despite this many women are trying to change this social system by breaking the illusion. There is such a lady skydiver who is learning the freedom of Iranian women by leaping from the heights.

35-year-old Bahareh Sassani is an accountant professionally, but she wanders on the plane by wearing skydiving or parachute globally. These are not just their hobbies, but a struggle to influence those Iranian women who can not feel their freedom. Sassani says, ‘I inspire all women to experience this adventure. From skydiving, it seems that there is freedom to do anything in life. ‘

Jumps from plane with army
Sassani has just started skydiving two years ago, but in such a short time, he has jumped 220 times. In Iran, it is considered to be the work of sports men, such as applying parachute jump, that is why there is no private parachute club. So when the Iranian army invites people to a paragraph jumping, Sassani definitely enters and jumps from the hundreds of kilometers along with the army.

‘Women can do anything like men’
Sassani’s slogan is that like men, women are capable of doing whatever they want. Although the Iranian government and society is not much flexible against women. At present, Iranian women are not allowed to go to the army. Sassani laughs, ‘Many people see me with such a mentality that who will marry a girl like me who is out of control. However there are some people who understand my work. ‘